Nutrition and Breastfeeding Consultation

For new babies to toddlers


Package options

1 Hr home Visit | $200 
1 hr phone consultation | $100

follow up phone call support

Hey there, welcome to Baa Baa Baby Nutrition and Breastfeeding!

This service is targeted for babies and children at any age, newborns through to 5 years old. We get it—breastfeeding or feeding your toddler can be a real challenge. You'd think breastfeeding would be instinctual, right? After all, humans have been doing it for centuries. Or, what’s with your toddler now refusing all the food you put in front of them or worse still, throwing it? 

This Nutrition and Breastfeeding home visit will focus on information that will help you breastfeed successfully, afterall research shows you’ll have a much smoother, more successful journey with breastfeeding if you prepare yourself before the baby arrives. Or alternatively, this home visit can focus on information tailored for your unique nutritional situation with your older child. 

What happens when I come and do a Nutrition and Breastfeeding home visit?

Breastfeeding: Discover everything you need to know to have a beautifully breastfed baby with a perfect latch. We start right from birth, exploring the key factors that lead to a successful first feed. We'll guide you through the crucial first 24 hours and into the postpartum period, giving you a step-by-step process to manage a successful latch, so you can avoid nipple damage and soreness.

But it doesn’t stop there. Whether you’re already on your breastfeeding journey and have questions or facing challenges that are stressing you out, Baa Baa Baby Breastfeeding is here to help. Wondering if your baby is getting enough milk? Curious about mastitis? Not sure if you can pump and feed at the same time? Worried about thrush or cracked nipples? We’ve got you covered. Let’s tackle these questions together, so you can breastfeed with confidence and ease.

Nutrition  - Discover everything you need to know about feeding your toddler including how their development affects the way they eat. Did you know that it’s very normal for toddlers to be picky at their food, graze rather than eat full meals and have food fads where one day they love a food and the next they don’t want a bar of it. We’ll discuss strategies about how to deal with these issues including what to do when they start throwing their food, or throwing their Sippy Cup or refusing to eat what you’ve provided and want a snack instead. We’ll tackle these issues together so you can feel confident that your toddler is getting all the nutrition they need for their growth and development.  

What we will be discussing at a Breastfeeding Home visit:

  •  Colostrum, liquid gold

  • What to include in a nutritious diet

  • How to increase supply

  • What does a correct attachment look and feel like?

  • How to care for your nipples

  •  What type of bras to wear

  •  How to do a Self-Breast examination

  • How to manage a breast infection/mastitis

  • All about Pumping and storing of breastmilk

  •  How to prepare formula properly

  • Signs that your baby is getting enough milk

  • Baby’s weight loss

  • What is a thrush infection?

  •  Why does my baby have frothy poos?

  • Why is my baby cluster feeding?

What we will be discussing at a Nutrition Home visit: 

  • Normal development for your toddler’s age

  • How to manage grazing

  • How to manage food fads

  • How to manage fussy eating

  • Why do toddlers only want to eat white foods?

  • How to get your toddler to eat vegetables?

  • Is it important to have your toddler eating with the family?

  • What do you do when your toddler throws their food/Sippy cup/utensils?

  • How do you implement boundaries around eating food? 

Consultation Success:

We’re proud to say Baa Baa Baby Breastfeeding has a 100% success rate! Every Mum who has had a home visit with us prior to her delivery has gone home successfully breastfeeding. Our last client was asked by her midwife “how did you know to do that?” her response? “why I had Monique from Baa Baa Baby teach me!” Imagine, this will be you too when you book your Baa Baa Baby Breastfeeding home visit.

If you are booking the Baa Baa Baby Nutrition Home Visit for your toddler, you will be amazed at the difference understanding their development makes to the way you handle issues that may arise, giving you the confidence to handle anything that may come up. Mealtimes in the future are looking calm and happy!

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