New Bub At Home Visit

For Parents in late pregnancy or with newborns


Home Visit 2 hrs | $400


Phone call 1 hr | $200

follow up phone call support


New Bubs at Home Consultation:

Leaving the hospital with your newborn can be pretty overwhelming! Wait, what?! No midwife is coming home with you? You spend half an hour adjusting the car seat straps to make sure they're just right, then drive home at 40 km/hr, avoiding every bump. Sound familiar?

Here we are now at home, looking at your baby in bewilderment - the most fantastic event in your life! How did we get here? But now you’ve got to take care of this little human and make sure they’re okay.

At Baa Baa Baby, we get it. We know all about the “4th Trimester” after you bring your baby home. Whether it's figuring out how to balance breastfeeding with pumping, preparing formula properly, making sure your baby is getting enough milk, or even wondering if their poos are normal, we’re here to help. We can show you how to soothe a crying baby, set them up for good sleep, and take care of their bath time, eyes, umbilical cord, and nappies. And let’s not forget your own postnatal recovery – there’s a lot to think about!

This information is fabulous if you book before you have your baby. We can prepare you for success with breastfeeding and help you to understand and know what to expect in those first 3 months, giving you confidence before even being discharged. Research shows that the more you read, watch, and learn before your baby is born, the more successful and stress-free your experience will be. How good is that?

What happens when I come and do a Home visit? 

You have prepared yourself for your birth but no-one has told you what happens afterwards when you come home with your precious bundle. Here I will go through exactly what you will get when you book a New Bub At Home visit.

In-Home Visit: I’ll come to your home for a 2-hour visit at a time that works for you, during the day. We’ll cover how to read and understand your baby’s behavior, including recognising different cries, what they mean and identifying your baby’s tired cues.

SIDS Guidelines and Nursery Setup: We’ll go over the importance of following SIDS guidelines, including safe co-sleeping practices, and I’ll help you set up your nursery.

Swaddling and Sleep Education: You’ll learn how to swaddle your baby effectively and receive essential sleep education to establish good sleep habits in the first three months. We’ll create a bedtime routine and discuss strategies for when your baby is unsettled.

Health and Wellbeing: I’ll provide information on reflux, colic, gut maturity and development, managing wind, and understanding normal baby poo. We’ll also cover how to recognise when it’s time to seek medical help and immunisations. We will also cover newborn care such as what to do with the umbilical area, newborn massage, bathing and caring for the nappy area.

Mental Health: During this incredible change in your life your mental health will likely adapt as well, it is important to be aware of the changes, I will provide you with information and support during this time.

Ongoing Support: After our visit, you’ll have unlimited support for as long as you need it, ensuring you feel confident and supported every step of the way.

Questions you may have that will be answered in the consultation:

  • What to expect when bringing home a new baby?

  • What is SIDS and how to set up my nursery?

  • Understanding my newborn’s behavior?

  • How to swaddle my baby to sleep?

  • What is reflux, colic and gut development?

  • How to care for my newborn at home?

  • How to combat the change in new parent mental health?

  • Is my baby’s poo normal?

  • How to burp my baby?

Consultation Success:

With Baa Baa Baby tailored support, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills to care for your newborn with confidence. You’ll understand your baby’s needs, establish a peaceful bedtime routine, and be well-prepared for any challenges that come your way. Most importantly, you’ll feel empowered, brimming with happiness and ready to enjoy these precious moments with your new baby.

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